Wins Best Award at the HIA Home Ideas Show

EcoSmart home exhibit Wins Best Award at the HIA Home Ideas Show

a Sustainable House display designed by BP Architects awarded Best at Show

HIA Home Ideas Show

Ecosmart Home exhibit designed by BP Architects for the HIA Home Show The HIA Home Show is an annual event that takes place in capital cities around Australia.  There are usually around 300 exhibitors displaying trends in renovation, building, furnishing, home improvements, sustainable options and outdoor living.

Each year there are more than 40,000 attending the show.  Show attendees can shop and compare prices from a range of home-related products and services, all under one roof.   In Melbourne, the home ideas show is at the Melbourne exhibition centre in Southbank.

EcoSmart Home Exhibit designed by BP Architects

All exhibitions at the HIA Home Show have four days before the start of the Show to assemble.  The eco-smart home exhibit used a steel house frame and was a full-sized house.  So to build the eco-smart home exhibit in 4 days took some planning.  Before the exhibition date, the fabrication of the house frame took place.  Assembling of the steel house frame then took place at the factory.  Then it was unassembled.

By pre-fabricating, the steel house frame meant that when it came time to re-assemble the house on-site at the HIA Home Show, there wouldn’t be any surprises.  And that the house frame would go together like a Meccano set.  And sure enough, it did. To build it quickly took a great deal of planning and coordination.  The builders could make the house display in 4-days.  They had to work 24-hours around the clock. The eco-smart home exhibit was open by the then Minister for Consumer Affairs Marsha Thomson.

The EcoSmart Home exhibit featured clerestory and modern contemporary interiors. It was intended to remain an unfinished house.  By leaving the EcoSmart Home display, unfinished allowed the public to view the construction methods used to make sustainable house features.  The exhibit demonstrates aspects of a sustainable home and eco-smart design principles.  Read more about the eco-smart display and the energy-efficient building materials.
