Happy Clients

So it seems a well-designed & well-built house does indeed provide good thermal performance without any further energy input than the sun, wind, & ceiling fans.
Colin Goodwin, Client, Zero Energy Mirboo Home

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I have not suffered any allergic reaction since moving into my newly completed home”. Mrs. Bev May, Client & allergy suffer.

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We have been very impressed with Bridget’s design - from her first draft to the final product. She has always listened carefully to our suggestions, either amending drafts or providing a better alternative.
Brian Gosley, Cheltenham Home

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The reason we chose Bridget to design our strawbale retrofit sustainable home was that we could see all of her house designs were different showing us that the architect collaborated closely with her Clients.
Colin Goodwin, Mirboo Home

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only on the coldest consecutive winter day does she run the localized bar heater, at half the maximum heat, for a few hours to maintain comfortable air temperatures’,
Dorothy Hatch, Essendon Home.

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The Client said that she thought that her new home would be an ‘earth shelter home that looked like a bunker’, given the architectural brief and siting of her new home.

Petra, Carrajung Home.

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MaryJean and Shekhar had a very tight budget for renovating their dilapidated Frankston South home. They spent a small fraction of what their neighbour’s thought they had spent with one neighbour saying to them, when their home was completed, ‘You must have spent millions’.

MaryJean and Shekhar.

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